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 Snore Guard

Like bad breath, snoring can be harmless and temporary. In some cases, however, it can be an indication of a treatable disorder. Whether you snore habitually, or just occasionally, you could be suffering from obstructive sleep apnea, which is short and sudden periods of non-breathing.

Airway obstruction

The sound of snoring indicates that something is blocking the flow of air from your nose to your wind pipe (trachea). The obstruction causes the tissue of the upper airway to collapse, either partially or completely.
When that collapse is partial, the passing air causes a noise we know as snoring
When the collapse is total, breathing becomes abnormally slow or shallow (hypopnea), or stops altogether for about 10 seconds (apnea)
Either way, your body is then receiving insufficient oxygen, and being unable to expel carbon dioxide quickly enough.

This disrupts your sleep. You get a poor night’s sleep, so next day you feel tired or irritable, and maybe have a headache, or can’t concentrate properly. There can also be long-term consequences from the repeated oxygen deprivation.


Dr. Robb will do a thorough examination to determine what causes the breathing obstruction. Once this is discovered, she can focus on promoting the free flow of air and eliminating the obstruction. Dr. Robb can create a custom snore guard in order to treat such problems. If problems persist, Dr. Robb might recommend consulting a sleep disorder specialist.